1 thought on “Bucyrus City Council Meeting Recap: February 18, 2025

  1. It seems to me the citizens of Bucyrus proper do more leg work than members of City Council save Mrs. Dishon. We’ve had some wonderful individuals representing us on council. Unfortunately, they did not run for reelection. Having watched live meetings, going back to the Reser administration, our representatives appear to have become complacent. While I understand the “chief wants it” , the former YMCA building is not a good investment tax payers. Stop with these “quick fix” actions. Our local administration has failed its citizens. And, to be fair, it did not commence with the current administration yet it continues to fail us as a whole. Time to cut the strings on the good old boy network. This is not federal government. This is a small community in which the majority were born and raised. Let’s act like it and put our citizens first and foremost.

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