At Tuesday night’s Bucyrus City Council meeting, tensions flared as local resident Greg White took the podium with a fiery critique of the council’s handling of public records requests and alleged behind-the-scenes dealings. Accusing the council of employing “stall tactics” to withhold information, White declared that the council needed to be held accountable. “In the military, we called it ‘manning up,’” he said, making it clear he wasn’t pulling any punches. But White’s accusations didn’t stop there. He went on to claim that members of the finance committee had engaged in illegal meetings, suggesting they deliberately avoided discussing issues in front of the public. While his statements seemed directed at multiple officials, much of his criticism appeared to center around Council Member Dishon.

Dishon Fires Back
Dishon did not shy away from addressing his claims. Acknowledging the comments about the alleged illegal meeting, she explained that it had started as a simple conversation with Mr. Myers. When Mr. Mauritz joined in, a brief discussion followed. It was only when Council President Fankhauser walked up and reminded them that such a gathering wasn’t allowed that the conversation immediately ended. But Dishon’s response didn’t stop at just clarifying events. In a moment of frustration and emphasis, she pounded her fist on the table. “I commend you, Mr. White, for pointing out that I was wrong,” she said. “There are many times I want to point out the inaccurate comments you make.” She then pivoted to an email White had sent her, for which he had given her permission to read aloud. However, before she could proceed, Fankhauser advised that she would have to wait until the “new business” portion of the meeting. When that moment came, White was no longer present. Despite having taken the floor multiple times throughout the night, he had left just before new business began. Dishon went on to read the email anyway. FreeWire has obtained the email and will include it in full at the end of this post for readers to review.
Wednesday I had the opportunity to ask Mrs. Dishon how she felt about Mr. White’s attacks on her and the council. She responded: “As previously and publicly stated, Mr. White is my neighbor. Prior to my becoming a Council member, Mr. White was welcomed into our home where we cordially talked for hours about City issues. Numerous calls were received by me from Mr. White asking questions about the City. I am unclear on what has now changed with Mr. White and find it alarming, both professionally and personally. I have always fought for a citizen to have the right to speak before Council. This can be fact-checked through Council/Committee meeting minutes and video recordings. Our Council Rules of Procedure prohibit any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks or becoming boisterous or physically threatening to members of Council, the Administration, and others in attendance while addressing Council or a Committee. In both my official and unofficial capacity, I ask: Has Mr. White made personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks against Council and myself, both in his email and during the many Council and Committee meetings he has attended and spoken at?”
— — What Happens Next? The exchanges at this council meeting left more questions than answers. What is driving the sudden animosity between White and Council? And what will come of the accusations thrown across the council chambers? For now, the debate rages on.